Barns & Buildings
This site curates materials on barns and buildings that may be built
using barn-building technology and systems.
Visit our photo gallery of barns and buildings. Barn Photo Gallery
Barn Inspiration
Content on Barns Curated Just for You!
Metal Barns
You may be considering a barn for your property. You may want to consider a metal barn. A metal barn has some advantage worth considering. Metal barns are cost-effective because they are easier to maintain, involve less expensive materials and are not susceptible to termites and other pests that could cause harm to a barn structure. Metal barns are also weather resistant and fire resistant, making them very durable.
Traditional Wooden Barns
A traditional wooden frame barn has a great deal of character that a metal barn cannot match. Traditional wooden barns maintain the character and unique charm that is popular with homeowners looking for a classic barn structure. A wooden bard that is custom-designed can have touches of elegant detail. You can add multi-level storage areas and enlarge the space for animals to make the structure feel open while still being efficient.
Your Riding Life
Acquiring the knowledge and skills for proficiency in the basics of riding is everything. Being a “beginner” is the best time in your riding life to learn.
Enjoy the beginning because it is actually what you will need the most until the very end.
Remember, Einstein was a beginner once.
Your Horse Farm
This is a website dedicated to the education of people who are interested in caring for horses and horse farms.
We may also curate blog post that we find interesting from their blog on our curation blog as they publish many valuable articles.
Riding Stables and Horse Farms
Common necessities at riding stables include a barn with stalls, a feed room, a tack room, an office, fenced paddocks and fields, water troughs, proper storage areas for hay and bedding, and a full array of maintenance equipment.
Barn Inspiration and Information

Barn Love - Pinterest
Photos of barns by Barn Love for those of us who love barns. This is a collection of photos of all types of barns – both old barns and new.

Barn reveals the compelling history of barns from colonial times, examining howimmigrants adapted traditional designs from their home countries to the American landscape.
It guides the reader on a tour of different kinds of barns, showing how construction materials, cultural influences, function, and stylehave given rise to their extraordinary variety. The reader will also learn about barn preservation, barns in pop culture and mythology, elements of barn style, and barn construction.

Barn Manager
If you are in charge of managing horses and seeking ways to better manage your time, BarnManager is a great time management and organization resource to help you keep your sanity and save your precious time.
Visit Barn Manager to learn more.
Featured Barn Articles
The Preservation of Historic Barns

A brief published by the Technical Preservation Services that encourages the preservation of historic barns and other agricultural structures by encouraging their maintenance and use as agricultural buildings, and by advancing their sensitive rehabilitation for new uses when their historic use is no longer feasible.
Timber Frame versus Post & Beam

Timber frame construction is more traditional in nature and uses pegs to secure joints.
Post & Beam may use metal plates to hold timbers together.
Pole Barn Homes – Is This an Option for You?

Pole barn homes plans & prices will vary from state to state, and you can choose a private designer or builder that will supply you with a kit that meets all of your specifications and needs. This is a more robust way to have a home built, and you’ll receive all of the materials needed to build your home.
Pole barn homes allow for an easy and affordable way to build a home that can significantly lower the total cost.